Monday, July 1, 2019

May God, our Dearest Heavenly Father, dwell in both of you, my precious children, and bless you, guide you and protect you every single moment.

Dearest God,
Thank you dearest God, our most loving Heavenly Father, for loving us so abundantly. We love You, we praise You, we honor You and we glorify you. We give You thanks for Your great glory, Lord God, Heavenly King, O God Almighty Father. Please bless my precious children abundantly to be Your children. Let every thought, word and action they do bring You glory, our dearest Heavenly Father. Please guide them in everything they do and guard them from all evil. Please save all the innocent people in this world, who are tortured by corrupt, evil people. Please eradicate evil, corruption etc. from this world and we pray to make evil people good by knowing You and loving You. Thank You for Your loving guidance and protection over us. Dearest Heavenly Father, bind my precious children and me with love, whose cords can never be broken by anyone. Thank you God for I know You will reunite us one day.

Dearest Albert and Alfred,

May God bless you to always keep God in first place in your lives.

May God shower his blessings and favor on both of you abundantly.
May God blessings be with you every single moment of your life.
May God lovingly guide you in the path of righteousness and integrity to live as His children and bring glory and honor to God in all that you think, say and do. May the presence of the most Holy God shine brightly through you by your pure and holy character.

God and your mommy loves you very much.

Take good care of yourself and your twin brother. Call each other daily. Encourage each other, guide each other as per God’s principles, be there for each other always.

I know you are best friends and best brothers and I am so happy about that.

Always keep God in first place. Study well. Eat only healthy food from places that are clean. You are what you eat. Eating from places that are not clean could cause you to get sick in the long run. Exercise, as that will give you more energy and focus to concentrate on your studies. Enjoy the beautiful nature that God created for us – the fresh cool breeze, the beautiful colors and scenery by our great artist Heavenly Father, eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and protein that you need to grow big and tall. Do not forget to eat your multi vitamins every day. The secret to be handsome forever, have a sparkle in your eyes and glow on your face is to have a pure and holy heart and mind. Observe all the saints and truly holy and pure people and you will know what I said is true.

Please click here to listen to the song you learnt at Plainsboro Wonders on Wednesday class about God's word, which is spoken to us from the Holy Bible and that God speaks to us in our own heart and mind - Thy word.

Pray and read the Holy Bible daily. Have a personal relationship with God, our Heavenly Father. When you keep your body, mind and heart clean, pure and holy, Almighty God will dwell in you. He will guide you and protect you. He will bless you abundantly. May God bless you abundantly to be a temple of God. May God bless you with peace and joy that comes from God, with good health, wisdom and knowledge to study well and reach your goals. May God bless you to be a blessing to all the people of the universe. Work smart and hard in your studies and may everything you do bring glory to God, our Heavenly Father. Never try to corrupt people or get corrupted by people with low moral values. It is written in the Holy Bible that God will bless a good person and his family for thousands of generations. However, God will punish the evil person and his family for the next three or four generations. Let us be a blessing to our family for thousands of generations, all of God’s children and all of beautiful nature He created. No matter the torture and harassment and deceptive separation we faced for over a decade, the good thing is God saw it all and He, being our loving and just Heavenly Father, will bless us abundantly, more than we can ever imagine, if we trust and have faith in God and obey His principles diligently. May God, our Heavenly Father guide us and guard us every single moment of our lives. May God instill in us a deep desire to obey His principles in every thing we think, say and do.

Please click here to hear the traditional hymn – Ninte Hitham Pole Enne (Guide me daily, dearest God, as You like.)

Please click here to listen to the beautiful hymn – O Lord You are the center of my life.

God and His creation, beautiful nature, will carry our love to each other, and will also love and protect us.

May God's love and your loving mommy's love fill your hearts with joy and peace.

May God bless you, Alfred. May God bless you, Albert.
I will always be praying for you.
I will always love you.

May God be in you and with you always.
Your mommy loves you and sends her pure love, warm hugs and sweet kisses to you.

With lots of love and prayers,
Your loving mommy,
Bindu Philips