Saturday, October 31, 2015

I miss you everyday, my precious sons, but I know God will reunite us.

Dearest God,
Thank you for being our dearest God, our advisor and our protector. Please bless my children and be with them all the time.

Dearest Alfred and Albert,

God bless you both, my precious sons.
God and your mommy loves you very much.

Happy Halloween.
I almost forget it is Halloween without you around. It is also a little painful when I see children, as it reminds me of you. I always prepare myself when I know I am going to be in the midst of children. I bandage my heart ahead of meeting children, so that I don't get too sad and cry. I miss you a lot every single day.

Do you know your first Halloween costumes were Tigger and Winnie the Pooh. You both looked too cute and too adorable in your costumes.

Do you know when you were 4 years old, your costumes were Buzz Lightyear and Spider-man. You both are always my super heroes. That year we attended the Halloween event at Plainsboro Township. Did you know the Honorable Plainsboro Township Mayor, Mr. Peter Cantu, was in a Buzz Lightyear costume too. When I met the Honorable Mayor, Mr. Peter Cantu, regarding your deceptive abduction to India, I told him that my son was in a Buzz Lightyear costume that year too.

Do you remember the sparkling torches you had when you went trick or treating.

When you were in third grade, you both my handsome super heroes wore the red power ranger and blue power ranger costumes. Do you remember I had made healthy "Monster Eyes" with round carrot slice, topped with cheese and blueberry for both of your third grade class Halloween party.

Do you remember every year you had Halloween Parade at your school. I would spend sometime in Albert's class and then go to Alfred's class. During the parade, I had to go back and forth between Alfred's class and Albert's class parades, so I could get pictures and video recordings of you both. You both loved and enjoyed your school Halloween parades.

I never ever expected, at that time, that two months later we would be deceptively separated from each other, never to see or communicate with each other. The Plainsboro Police investigation reports reveal the premeditation for abduction was done at least a year ahead.

God watched what happened and I know He will deliver justice. Justice may be delayed, but never denied. God will surely reunite us as soon as possible.

It is autumn here. The leaves of the trees have turned beautiful red, orange and yellow. Evergreen and some trees still remain the beautiful green. God is a great artist and has beautiful things for us every single day. I marvel at God and His creation.

Your role now as children is to study well, eat healthy food, take part in sports and be good children. Pray to God before you study. Ask Him to be with you and help you with your studies and He will. Do your best and God will do the rest. You need a bright future. Your education will help you have a bright future and be independent. Always remember to honor and respect God, give Him first place in your life and obey His principles. God will bless you immensely.

Mathew 5:8
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

May God bless you. Your mommy's blessings are with you always.

Your mommy loves you and sends her pure love, warm hugs and sweet kisses to you.

With lots of love, prayers and blessings,
Your loving mommy,
Bindu Philips